This is one cool handphone
I wish mine. My friend bought a cool
Apple iPhone 8G from KL, and it is so cool I've to take pic with it. Eventhough it is 2nd hand, but still the price is over
RM1.5k. For a brand new iPhone 8G, the market price is around
RM2.5k. For a brand new iPhone 8G with 3g is
RM3k+ (not really too sure about the price, cos its not officially launch here) .

My friend (being so proud of his iPhone), show us the cool function of what iPhone can do. His iPhone don't have 3g (which is a loss), however its still cool, cos it has the following function nonetheless :
iPod, Internet (WiFi), Maps with
GPS (which is actually like google maps) if ur in US they can actually zoom at ur exact location, Photos & Camera with
Multi Touch (this is sooo cool, u can actually zoom the pic by the touch of ur finger :-)) ), and no worries about keyboard cos it is totally
touchscreen and it even suggests words as you type. And the image is
sharp and clear when watching vid or simply taking photos (2.0MP) and I especially love
LOVE the graphic (the beauty of Apple). It has other cool games and applications as well (e.g. facebook, Movies, remote - as in ur tv remote control etc etc etc) , which u can download some of it for free. Infact iPhone is sooo
cool and sexy it makes other phone look crappy.
Apple is the top brand from small gadget like iPod to a sleek laptop (MacBook Pro) to desktop (iMac). I myself is the number one fan of Apple brand. Five years ago, I bought myself a sleek and stylish looking iBook G4, at that time, it was "THE" laptop that got everyone look at u with envy. I fell in love with it so much, I even paid cash in full (it was my hard earn saving yet no regret). I rarely spend money on expensive shoes or clothing, but for gadget, I rarely think twice. It's always about quality, and Apple give just that. If u really can afford it, why go for second best? (But if can't afford - like I am right now, just go for cheap one lar, imitation also can loh (if any), else don't buy and just wait for the price to drop - if it ever ..hmm dream on)
A few months ago, I went to 1Borneo and saw this gadget in one of the Apple store, I gasp for a second for what I thought was iPhone (actually it was iPod Touch), I got a disappointing reply of "It's not launch here...yet" (o so we thought).
For an Apple fan, nothing is impossible, where there's a will, there's always a way ;-)
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